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Skinperfex Serum - LIGHT

Tinted face serum | 30 ml

Lumiblush drops - TERRA

Complexion fluid | 15 ml
Hydration 15 ML

Facial Serum Hydration

Longterm hydration | 15 ml
Likami-Goodnight Renewal Cream

Goodnight Renewal Cream

Restorative anti-aging overnight moisturiser | 50 ml
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How to switch up your skin care routine for summer?


Have you considered making some changes in your skin care routine now that we’ve entered the warmer months? Whether you’re planning a last-minute trip away, you’re sunbathing in your own cosy garden or grounding in a private cottage in the woods - summer has officially started, and your skin is feeling it too. Our top tips will help you get the best out of your summer skin care routine, from embracing a healthy blood flow to why you should be taking cold showers.

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01. Remove dead skin

To fully prep your skin for a new season, it’s important to exfoliate and get rid of dull, flakey and dead skin that’s been building up during the past season. Exfoliating reveals a renewed, healthy layer of skin and guarantees a more even tan, both on your face and on your body. When transitioning from spring to summer, keep your exfoliation gentle. Over-exfoliating makes your skin more sensitive to the sun and could cause lasting skin damage. Use an exfoliating cloth or a light scrub. Going to the beach? Sand mixed with salty water creates the perfect zero waste, zero effort body scrub!

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02. Legs out, body moisturiser out!

Don’t just focus your skin care transition on your face. We’ve obsessively hidden our legs and arms under warm knits and joggers during the colder months. Summer, however, invites us to jump into dresses, shorts and sleeveless tops and expose our skin to the outer world. So schedule in a daily pamper moment for the full surface of your body, making sure you keep it moisturised and baby soft. Use a lightweight body moisturiser like the Likami Body Lotion daily after your shower or bath. Once or twice a week, switch it up for the Likami Body Cream for a richer, more intense hydration and a dedicated moment of self care. Going to an event and want to look at your best? Massage your legs and arms with the Likami Body Oil for a shiny skin glow. It’ll also enhance your tan!

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03. Keep it cool

Lowering the temperature of your shower in summer not only feels more refreshing, it’s also better for your skin. Warm water strips moisture from your skin - both on your face and your body - which results in dehydration and a tight feeling. Stick to cool or lukewarm water and use a hydrating mist right after your shower to balance and rehydrate your skin. You can keep the Likami Facial Toner in the fridge for an added cooling effect. On hot days the aloe vera soothes your sun-induced skin, while the sage, yarrow and burdock have a nourishing effect.

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04. H2O

The sun, sweat, alcohol … Our summer lifestyle often has a dehydrating effect on our body. It may sound obvious, but drinking more water is a very important step in your summer skin care routine. Staying hydrated inside out is essential for cell turnover and collagen production, two factors that make your skin look younger and more glowing. We love this iced lavender mint tea for a bit of variation, and this green juice recipe for a quick hydrating hit to start the day.

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05. Increase your blood flow with facial massage

Does your face feel heated, bloated or swollen after a warm and sunny day? Then it’s time to increase your blood flow and draw out toxins with a dedicated facial massage. Apply the Likami Facial Essential Serum and use a facial roller to wake up your lymph nodes. This gets the detoxifying process started. After your rolling session, use the Likami Gua Sha Sculpting Tool to relieve tension, reduce puffiness and promote healthy blood circulation. Thank us later for the summer glow!

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06. Use a natural, aluminum-free deodorant

Step away from a classic antiperspirant and choose a clean, natural and skin-loving deodorant cream instead. The Likami Deodorant Cream is not only a low-waste option as it’s a cream in a recycled Miron glass jar, it’s also pure and all-natural. This deodorant cream contains nourishing and softening shea butter and beeswax. The bicarbonate and natural essential oils in this deodorant deliver long-lasting freshness. The active substances neutralise odor-forming bacteria without closing the pores or damaging the natural skin flora. It also contains sage, which is known for its antimicrobial, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, making this deodorant a perfect treat for sensitised summer armpits.

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