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Skinperfex Serum - LIGHT

Tinted face serum | 30 ml

Lumiblush drops - TERRA

Complexion fluid | 15 ml
Hydration 15 ML

Facial Serum Hydration

Longterm hydration | 15 ml
Likami-Goodnight Renewal Cream

Goodnight Renewal Cream

Restorative anti-aging overnight moisturiser | 50 ml
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Photo Credit Laurie Biral

Friends of Líkami, Olivia Panella


Meet Olivia Panella, a master of holistic healing and energy work, whose extensive experience and compassionate approach redefine wellness and personal growth in our enlightening Q&A session. Learn more about her work on her Instagram and website.

03 Olivia Panella Photo Credit Laurie Biral

Who are you, where are you from, and what are you doing now?

What a powerful question, I would say I am from the sky, the Universe, the stars…but if we want to be literal I was born in America in the North East, New Hampshire and my family is from New York City and I was in NYC from the age of 18 to 30 before leaving the States (2017) to travel and bring Uma Gaia (my garden, my gift, my offering in this lifetime) around the globe…and I never looked back and have been living in France since 2019. I am living and breathing Uma Gaia in every facet of my existence.

What inspired you to start your journey with Uma Gaia?

The root of my Uma Gaia inspiration started many eons ago, I knew since I was a child that showing the way of compassion would be my role and it still rings true today. The inspiration comes from seeing everyone has a pure healed being and wanting to be their advocate to see this themselves. No matter what they have or haven’t done. Unconditional love is a birth right.

Olivia Panella by louiseskadhauge DSCF9039 jpgmaisonlouno louiseskadhauge DSCF9108

How do you incorporate 'me-time' into your daily routine, and why do you think it's important?

'Me Time' is a 'way of thinking' for me rather than purely a way of 'action' … of course they go hand-in-hand but if I have space in my mind, than I can have space in every moment to make it a bit special and 'for me'. However, every morning is my true 'me time' as I am the first to rise in the house, it is just me, the birds, the arriving sun, and the day this is the most splendid moment for me. I can simply decide to write a poem, stare at the trees and the way the dance, or have a coffee…whatever the action might be, the morning is for me.

Can you share your favorite bedtime beauty rituals? How do they help you unwind and prepare for sleep?

There are so many to choose from and I would with a smile say to check-out the latest Likami x Uma Gaia bedtime ritual we just created. But if I had to share three things that I love to do at night would be to really shake my limbs (like legs up, arms up, body lashing around like a wild and free child), listen to my husband play piano in the other room, while I rest in the bed and lastly to read a few pages of one of the books I am reading. All of these slow down sequences, make way for my body to cleansed, my mind to be softened, and my spirit to feel safe.

Olivia Panella by louiseskadhauge DSCF9039

How do you see Uma Gaia aligning with Likami's philosophy of natural beauty and holistic wellness?

Uma Gaia aligns quite seamlessly and effortlessly with Likami’s philosophy. Likami believes beauty is natural, and in the power to nurture and heal oneself. This is the truth of Uma Gaia, all the healing powers come from within and come from Nature. We mirror each other, in another way that Likami believes in the importance of science and as does Uma Gaia, not just the esoteric, but supporting all of this with the science of Quartz, the science of Sound, the science of Energy so on and so forth…

What are your top five tips for biohacking sleep to improve one's sleep routine?

  • Gentle Meditation – give yourself 15min of soft meditation laying down in your bed, perhaps use Quartz sound therapy or simply just the sounds of Nature and your breath…This is going to support relaxation and softening after the day…
  • Head & Face & Ear Massage – take a few moments to cleanse your face, and apply your evening skincare routine, and massage, the eyes, the ears, the jaw, the cheeks, and the top of the head…This is going to release tension, and aide in letting go of mental congestion…
  • No Phone – let your phone go, do not have it in the bedroom, let it charge in a different room. Let the scrolling, the emails, the tech influence be finished for the day and not enter the room of rest and rejuvenation (the bedroom)… Giving yourself a break from the phone at night is going to lessen anxieties…
  • Soothe Through Scent – whether it’s a candle, essential oil, facial mist, give yourself a soothing sensation via scents like lavender, vetiver, sandalwood, chamomile, rose or clary safe…These perfumes will bathe over you and offer the ability to rest deeply…
  • Hands to Heart – place your hands over your heart, palms facing down on-top of each other, feel your heart, feel your body, feel a sense of gratitude for the day, feel a sense of gratitude for you, and send yourself loving rays of light…
Photo Credit Laurie Biral 03

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Hydrating cleansing milk | 200 ml


Restorative anti-aging overnight moisturiser | 50 ml


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